Workshop Illuminations

Keeping Christmas Sparkly!

While we always take seasonal decoration seriously, we decided to do something a little different for Christmas, and we're staging a US style Christmas light show.

The lights are currently off, but will be up and running soon... You can catch some highlights on our YouTube Channel - Thanks for all your support.

If you'd like to be kept informed for next Christmas, you can follow us on Facebook, or check back here for updates.

Why Are We Doing This?

It's purely for fun - there's no commercial interest here at all. We're just here for the sparkly lights, and the challenge of getting it all going.

That said, over Christmas we're supporting Cranbourne School in their efforts to refurbish their swimming pool. Not only is the pool hugely beneficial for their students, it's a valuable resource for local primary schools and the community, including preschool and Mums & Babies groups. The current structure is 45 years old and in need of work. It would be a shame to lose this community resource, so we'd like to help them out as much as we can.

If you've enjoyed any of our videos or live shows, please consider making a donation - it really would be appreciated. Our usual Elf will be in charge of the bucket (and candy canes!) at the shows for cash donations, or we can accept contactless payments this year too... Look out for our donation point, or ask on of our team (running things, looking panicked, most likely in a stupid hat) and they'll point you in the right direction. Finally, online via PayPal is still an option. Donations are 100% optional but very gratefully received.

Get In Touch

If you've got any queries at all, please give us a shout on Facebook, or via email... We'll do our best to get back to you ASAP. Thanks.